Archive for the ‘Reversing’ Category

Deleting a New

Sunday, October 24th, 2010

Recently I’ve been working on some software to find memory leaks and fix its fragmentation too. I wanted to start with some example of a leak. And next time I will talk about the fragmentations also.

The leak happens when you allocate objects with new [] and delete (scalar) it. If you’re a c++ savvy, you might say “WTF, of course it leaks”. But I want to be honest for a moment and say that except from not calling the destructors of the instances in the array, I really did not except it to leak. After all, it’s a simple memory pointer we are talking about. But I was wrong and thought it’s worth a post to share this with you.

Suppose we got the following code:

class A {
  A() { }
  ~A() { }
  int x, y;

A * a = new A[3];
delete a; // BUGBUG 

What really happens in the code, how does the constructors and destructors get called? How does the compiler know whether to destroy a single objects, or how many objects to destroy when you’re finished working with the array ?

Well, first of all, I have to warn you that some of it is implementation specific (per compiler). I’m going to focus on Visual Studio though.

The first thing to understand is that the compiler knows which object to construct and destroy. All this information is available in compilation time (in our case since it’s all static). But if the object was dynamic, the compiler would have called the destructor dynamically, but I don’t care about that case now…

So allocating memory for the objects, it will eventually do malloc(3 * sizeof(A)) and return a pointer to assign in the variable ‘a’. Here’s the catch, the compiler can’t know how many destructors to call when it wants to delete the array, right? It has to bookkeep the count somehow. But Where??
Therefore the call to the memory allocation has more to it. The way MSVC does it is as following (some pseudo code):

int* tmpA = (int*)malloc(sizeof(A) * 3 + sizeof(int)); // Notice the extra space for the integer!
*tmpA = 3; // This is where it stores the count of instances! ta da
A* a = (A*)(tmpA + 1); // Skip that integer, really assigns the pointer allocated + 4 bytes in 'a'.

Now all it has to do is calling the constructors on the array for each entry, easy.
When you work with ‘a’ the implementation is hidden to you, eventually you get a pointer you should only use for accessing the array and nothing else.
At the end you’re supposed to delete the array. The right way to delete this array is to do ‘delete []a;’. The compiler then understands you ask to delete a number of instances rather than a single instance. So it will loop on all the entries and call a destructor for each instance, and at last free the whole memory block. One of the questions I asked in the beginning is how would the compiler know how many objects to destroy? We already know the answer by now. Simple, it stored the count before the pointer you hold.

So deleting the array in a correct manner (and reading the counter) would be as easy as:

int* tmpA = (int*)a - 1; // Notice we take the pointer the compiler handed to you, and get the 'count' from it.
for (int i = 0; i < *tmpA; i++) a[i].~a();
free (tmpA); // Notice we call free() with the original pointer that got allocated! 

So far so good, right? But the leak happens if you call a scalar delete on the pointer you get from allocating a new array. And that's the problem even if you have an array of primitive types (like integers, chars, etc) that don't require to call a destructor you still leak memory. Why's that?
Since the new array, as we saw in this implementation returns you a pointer, which does not point to the beginning of the allocated block. And then eventually you call delete upon it, will make the memory manager not find the start of the allocated block (cause you feed it with an offset into the allocated block) and then it has a few options. Either ignore your call, and leak that block. Crash your application or give you a notification, aka Debug mode. Or maybe in extreme cases cause a security breach...

In some forum I read that there are many unexpected behaviors in our case, one of them made me laugh so hard, I feel I need to share it with you:
"A* a = new A[3]; delete a; Might get the first object destroyed and released, but keep the rest in memory".

Well it doesn't take a genius to understand that the compiler prefers to bulk allocate all objects in the same block...and yet, funny.
The point the guy tries to make is that you cannot know what the compiler implementation is, as weird as it might be, don't ever rely on it. And I totally agree.

So in our case a leak happens in the following code:

int*a = new int[100];
delete a;

The point is that when you new[], you should must call a corresponding delete [].
Except from the need to make your code readable and correct, it won't be broken, and never trust the compiler, just code right in the first place.

And now you can imagine what happens if you alloc a single object and tries to delete[] it. Not healthy, to say the least.

New Project – ReviveR

Saturday, September 25th, 2010

Hey all,

long time haven’t posted. I’m kinda busy with lots of stuff.
Anyway I just wanted to let you know that I’m starting to work on the sequel of diStorm, you guessed it right… A reversing studio!
Unlike what many people said, the core is going to be written in C++, the GUI is going to be written per OS. No thanks, QT. Top goals are performance, scripting, good UI and most important good analysis capabilities. Obviously it’s going to be open source, cross platform. For a start, it will support only x86 and AMD64 and PE file format, maybe ELF too, though not my priority. I’m not sure about a debugger yet, but it will probably be implemented later. GUI is going to be written using WPF under C#, just to give you an idea.

My main interests are performance and binary code analysis algorithms.

If there are highly skilled programmers who wish to help, please contact me.
For now it seems we are a group of 4 coders, I’m still not going to publish their names, until everything is settled.

Anyway, design is taking place nowadays. This is your time for suggesting new features and ideas.

Big good luck

diStorm3 is Ready

Monday, August 16th, 2010

diStorm3 is ready for the masses! :)
– if you want to maximize the information you get from a single instruction; Structure output rather than text, flow control analysis support and more!

Check it out now at its new google page.

Good luck!

Heapos Forever

Friday, August 6th, 2010

There are still hippos around us, beware:

Kernel heap overflow.

DEVMODE dm = {0};
dm.dmSize  = sizeof(DEVMODE);
dm.dmBitsPerPel = 8;
dm.dmPelsWidth = 800;
dm.dmPelsHeight = 600;
ChangeDisplaySettings(&dm, 0);

bmih.biClrUsed = 0x200;

HGLOBAL h = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, 0x1000);
memcpy((PVOID)GlobalLock(h), &bmih, sizeof(bmih));

SetClipboardData(CF_DIBV5, (HANDLE)h);


[Update, 11th Aug]: Here is MSRC response.

Custom Kernel Debugging is Faster

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

When you start to write a post you always get a problem with the headline for the post. You need to find something that will, in a few words, sum it up for the reader. I was wondering which one is better, “Boosting WinDbg”, “Faster Kernel Debugging in WinDbg”, “Hacking WinDbg” and so on. But they might be not accurate, and once you will read the post you won’t find them appropriate. But instead of talking about meta-post issues, let’s get going.

Two posts ago, I was talking about hunting a specific race condition bug we had in some software I work on. At last, I have free time to write this post and get into some interesting details about Windows Kernel and Debugging.

First I want to say that I got really pissed off that I couldn’t hunt the bug we had in the software like a normal human being, that Jond and I had to do it the lame old school way, which takes more time, lots of time. What really bothered me is that computers are fast and so is debugging, at least, should be. Why the heck do I have to sit down in front of the computer, not mentioning – trying to dupe the damned bug, and only then manage to debug it and see what’s going on wrong. Unacceptable. You might say, write a better code in the first place, I agree, but even then people have bugs, and will have, forever, and I was called to simply help.

Suppose we want to set a breakpoint on memory access this time, but something more complicated with conditions. The reason we need a condition, rather than a normal breakpoint is because the memory we want to monitor gets accessed thousands times per second, in my case with the race condition, for instance.
You’re even welcome to make the following test locally on your computer, fire up Visual Studio, and test the following code: unsigned int counter = 1; while (counter < 99999999+1) { counter++; }, set a memory access breakpoint on counter which stops when hit count reach 99999999, and time the whole process, and then time it without the bp set, and compare the result, what's the ratio you got? Isn't that just crazy? Here's an example in WinDbg's syntax, would be something like this: ba w4 0x491004 "j (poi(0x491004)==0) 'gc'" Which reads: break on write access for an integer at address 0x491004 only if its value is 0, otherwise continue execution. It will be tens-thousands times faster without the bp set, hence the debugging infrastructure, even locally (usermode), is slowing things down seriously. And think that you want to debug something similar on a remote machine, it's impossible, you are going to wait years in vain for something to happen on that machine. Think of all the COM/Pipe/USB/whatever-protocol messages that have to be transmitted back and forth the debugged machine to the debugger. And add to that the conditional breakpoint we set, someone has to see whether the condition is true or false and continue execution accordingly. And even if you use great tools like VirtualKD. Suppose you set a breakpoint on a given address, what really happens once the processor executes the instruction at that address? Obviously a lot, but I am going to talk about Windows Kernel point of view. Let's start bottom up, Interrupt #3 is being raised by the processor which ran that thread, which halts execution of the thread and transfers control _KiTrap3 in ntoskrnl. _KiTrap3 will build a context for the trapped thread, with all registers and this likely info and call CommonDispatchException with code 0x80000003 (to denote a breakpoint exception). Since the 'exception-raising' is common, everybody uses it, in other exceptions as well. CommonDispatchException calls _KiDispatchException. And _KiDispatchException is really the brain behind all the Windows-Exception mechanism. I'm not going to cover normal exception handling in Windows, which is very interesting in its own. So far nothing is new here. But we're getting to this function because it has something to do with debugging, it checks whether the _KdDebuggerEnabled is set and eventually it will call _KiDebugRoutine if it's set as well. Note that _KiDebugRoutine is a pointer to a function that gets set when the machine is debug-enabled. This is where we are going to get into business later, so as you can see the kernel has some minimal infrastructure to support kernel debugging with lots of functionality, many functions in ntoskrnl which start in "kdp", like KdpReadPhysicalMemory, KdpSetContext and many others. Eventually the controlling machine that uses WinDbg, has to speak to the remote machine using some protocol named KdCom, there's a KDCOM.DLL which is responsible for all of it. Now, once we set a breakpoint in WinDbg, I don't know exactly what happens, but I guess it’s something like this: it stores the bp in some internal table locally, then sends it to the debugged machine using this KdCom protocol, the other machine receives the command and sets the breakpoint locally. Then when the bp occurs, eventually WinDbg gets an event that describes the debug event from the other machine. Then it needs to know what to do with this bp according to the dude who debugs the machine. So much going on for what looks like a simple breakpoint. The process is very similar for single stepping as well, though sending a different exception code.

The problem with conditional breakpoints is that they are being tested for the condition locally, on the WinDbg machine, not on the server, so to speak. I agree it’s a fine design for Windows, after all, Windows wasn’t meant to be an uber debugging infrastructure, but an operating system. So having a kernel debugging builtin we should say thanks… So no complaints on the design, and yet something has to be done.

Custom Debugging to our call!

That’s the reason I decided to describe above how the debugging mechanism works in the kernel, so we know where we can intervene that process and do something useful. Since we want to do smart debugging, we have to use conditional breakpoints, otherwise in critical variables that get touched every now and then, we will have to hit F5 (‘go’) all the time, and the application we are debugging won’t get time to process. That’s clear. Next thing we realized is that the condition tests are being done locally on our machine, the one that runs WinDbg. That’s not ok, here’s the trick:
I wrote a driver that replaces (hooks) the _KiDebugRoutine with my own function, which checks for the exception code, then examines the context according to my condition and only then sends the event to WinDbg on the other machine, or simply “continues-execution”, thus the whole technique happens on the debugged machine without sending a single message outside (regarding the bp we set), unless that condition is true, and that’s why everything is thousands of times or so faster, which is now acceptable and usable. Luckily, we only need to replace a pointer to a function and using very simple tests we get the ability to filter exceptions on spot. Although we need to get our hands dirty with touching Debug-Registers and the context of the trapping thread, but that’s a win, after all.

Here’s the debug routine I used to experiment this issue (using constants tough):

int __stdcall my_debug(IN PVOID TrapFrame,
	IN PVOID Reserved,
	IN UCHAR LastChance)
	ULONG _dr6, _dr0;
	__asm {
		mov eax, dr6
		mov _dr6, eax
		mov eax, dr0
		mov _dr0, eax
	if ((ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == 0x80000003) &&
		(_dr6 & 0xf) &&
		(_dr0 == MY_WANTED_POINTER) &&
		(ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress != MY_WANTED_EIP))
		return 1;
	return old_debug_routine(TrapFrame, Reserved, ExceptionRecord, Context, PreviousMode, LastChance);

This routine checks when a breakpoint interrupt happened and stops the thread only if the pointer I wanted to monitor was accessed from a given address, else it would resume running that thread. This is where you go custom, and write whatever crazy condition you are up to. Using up to 4 breakpoints, that’s the processor limit for hardware breakpoints. Also checking out which thread or process trapped, etc. using the Kernel APIs… It just reminds me “compiled sprites” :)

I was assuming that there’s only one bp set on the machine which is the one I set through WinDbg, though this time, there was no necessity to set a conditional breakpoint in WinDbg itself, since we filter them using our own routine, and once WinDbg gets the event it will stop and let us act.

For some reason I had a problem with accessing the DRs from the Context structure, I didn’t try too hard, so I just backed to use them directly because I can.

Of course, doing what I did is not anything close to production quality, it was only a proof of concept, and it worked well. Next time that I will find myself in a weird bug hunting, I will know that I can draw this weapon.
I’m not sure how many people are interested in such things, but I thought it might help someone out there, I wish one day someone would write an open source WinDbg plugin that injects kernel code through WinDbg to the debugged machine that sets this routine with its custom runtime conditional breakpoints :)

I really wanted to paint some stupid pictures that show what’s going on between the two machines and everything, but my capabilities at doing that are aweful, so it’s up to you to imagine that, sorry.

For more related information you can see:

Cracking for Fun and Non-Profit

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

One of the fun things to do with applications is to bypass their copy-protection mechanisms. So I want to share my experience about some iPad application, though the application is targeted for the Jailbroken devices. It all began a few days ago, when a friend was challenging me to crack some application. I had my motives, and I’m not going to talk about them. However, that’s why the title says non-profit. Or maybe when they always say “for profit” they mean the technical-knowledge profit.

So before you start to crack some application, what you should do is see how it works, what happens when you run it, what GUI related stuff you can see, like dialog boxes or messages that popup, upon some event you fire. There are so many techniques to approach application-cracking, but I’m not here to write a tutorial, just to talk a bit about what I did.

So I fired IDA with the app loaded, the app was quite small, around 35kb. First thing I was doing was to see the imported functions. This is how I know what I’m going to fight with in one glare. I saw MD5/RSA imported from the crypto library, and that was like “oh uh”, but no drama. Thing is, my friend purchased the app and gave me the license file. Obviously it’s easier with a license file, otherwise, sometimes it’s proved that it’s impossible to crack software without critical info that is encrypted in the license file, that was the issue in my case too. Of course, there’s no point in a license file that only checks the serial-number or something like that, because it’s not enough. So without the license file, there wasn’t much to do.

For some reason IDA didn’t like to parse the app well, so I had to recall how to use this ugly API of IDC (the internal scripting language of IDA), yes, I know IDA Python, but didn’t want to use it. So my script was fixing all LDR instructions, cause the code is PICy so with the strings revealed I could easily follow all those ugly objc_msgSend calls. For Apple’s credit, the messages are text based, so it’s easy to understand what’s going on, once you manage to get to that string. For performance’s sake, this is so lame, I rather use integers than strings, com’on.

Luckily the developer of that app didn’t bother to hide the exported list of functions, he was busy with pure protection algorithm in Objective-C, good for me.
So eventually the way the app worked (license perspective) was to check if the license file exists, if so, parse it. Otherwise, ask for a permission to connect to the Internet and send the UDID (unique device ID) of the device to the app’s server, get a response, and if the status code was success, write it to a file, then run the license validator again.

The license validator was quite cool, it was calling dladdr on itself to get the full path of the executable itself, then calculating the MD5 of the binary. Can you see why? So if you thought you could easily tamper with the file, you were wrong. Taking the MD5 hash, and xoring it in some pattern with the data from the license file; Then decrypting the result with the public key that was in the static segment, though I didn’t care much about it. Since the MD5 of the binary itself was used, this dependency is a very clever trick of the developer, though expected. So I tried to learn more about how the protection works.

Suppose the license was legit, the app would take that buffer and strtok() it to tokens, to check that the UDID was correct. The developer was nice enough to call the lockdownd APIs directly, so in one second I knew where and what was going on around it. In the beginning I wanted to create a proxy dylib for this lockdownd library, but it would require me to patch the header of the mach-o so the imported function will be through my new file – but it still requires a change to the file, no good. So the way it worked with the decrypted string – it kept on tokenizing the string, but this time, it checked for some string match, as if someone tampered with the binary, the decryption would go wrong and the string wouldn’t compare well. And then it did some manipulation on some object, adding methods to it in runtime, with the names from the tokenized string, thus if you don’t have a license file to begin with, you don’t know the names of the new methods that were added. One star for the developer, yipi.

All in all, I have to say that I wasn’t using any debugger or runtime tricks, everything was static reversing, yikes. Therefore, after I was convinced that I can’t ignore the protection because I lack of the names of the new methods, and I can’t use a debugger to phish the names easily. I was left with one solution, as I said before – faking the UDID and fixing the MD5.

What I really cared about for a start, was how the app calculates the MD5 of itself:
Since the developer retrieved the name of the binary using dladdr, I couldn’t just change some path to point to the original copy of the binary, so when it hashes it, it would get the expected hash. That was a bammer, I had to do something else, but similar idea… I decided to patch the file-open function. The library functions are called in ARM mode and it’s very clear. The app itself was in THUMB, so it transitions to ARM using a BX instruction and calls a thunk, that in order will call the imported function. So the thunk function is in ARM mode, thus 4 bytes per instruction, very wasteful IMHO.

The goal of my patches was to patch those thunks, rather than all the callers to those thunks. Cause I could end up with a dozen of different places to patch. So I was limited in the patches I could do in a way. So eventually I extended the thunk of the file-open and made R0 register point to my controlled path, where I could guarantee an original copy of the binary, so when it calculated the MD5 of it, it would be the expected hash. Again, I could do so many other things, like planting a new MD5 value in the binary and copy it in the MD5-Final API call, but that required too much code changes. And oh yes, I’m such a jackass that I didn’t even use an Arm-assembler. Pfft, hex-editing FTW :( Oh also, I have to comment that it was safe to patch the thunk of file-open, cause all the callers were related to the MD5 hashing…

Ok, so now I got the MD5 good and I could patch the file however I saw fit. Patching the UDID-strcmp’s wasn’t enough, since the license wasn’t a “yes/no” check, it had essential data I needed, otherwise I could finish with the protection in 1 minute patch (without going to the MD5 hassle). So I didn’t even touch those strcmp’s.

RSA encryption then? Ahhh not so fast, the developer was decrypting the xored license with the resulted MD5 hash, then comparing the UDID, so I got the license decrypted well with the MD5 patch, but now the UDID that was returned from the lockdownd was wrong, wrong because it wasn’t corresponding to the purchased license. So I had to change it as well. The problem with that UDID and the lockdownd API, is that it returns a CFSTR, so I had to wrap it with that annoying structure. That done, I patched the thunk of the lockdown API to simply return my CFSTR of the needed UDID string.

And guess what?? it crashed :) I put my extra code in a __ustring segment, in the beginning I thought the segment wasn’t executable, because it’s a data. But I tried to run something very basic that would work for sure, and it did, so I understood the problem was with my patch. So I had to double check it. Then I found out that I was piggy-backing on the wrong (existing) CFSTR, because I changed its type. Probably some code that was using the patched CFSTR was expecting a different type and therefore crashed, so I piggy-backed a different CFSTR that wouldn’t harm the application and was a similar type to what I needed (Just a string, 0x7c8). What don’t we do when we don’t have segment slacks for our patch code. :)

And then it worked… how surprising, NOT. But it required lots of trial and errors, mind you, because lack of tools mostly.
End of story.
It’s really hard to say how I would design it better, when I had my chance, I was crazy about obfuscation, to make the reverser desperate, so he can’t see a single API call, no strings, nothing. Plant decoy strings, code, functionality, so he wastes more time. Since it’s always possible to bypass the protections, if the CPU can do it, I can do it too, right? (as long as I’m on the same ring).

Ending The Race (Condition)

Friday, April 23rd, 2010

After talking to my co-worker, Jond, he agreed that I will write about him too. Actually we were working on solving that race condition together.
So everything I told you in the last post was in a timeline of around 15 hours, almost consecutive, where Jond and I were debugging the system and trying to track down the bass-turd. So it was around 6 am in the morning, after we had a few hooks on the critsec acquire and leave functions in the kernel. But the log looked fine and this is where I decided to call it a night and went home to sleep a bit. Jond decided to continue, the problem with us, is that we take bugs personally. So he got the logs better and wrote some Python script to analyze it. I was too lazy to do that earlier, I decided to analyze manually once, it is the excuse that if we do it only once, writing a script might take longer. I was wrong. Pity. Then, according to Jond’s story, he actually saw something wrong in the log, at f@cking last. So I’m not sure about the small details, but he noticed that the critsec was entered twice or something imaginary like that from different threads, obvisouly. And that time he knew he nailed the guy down.

There are not many options, once you see that the other ‘waiters’ don’t wait when some guy holds it, right? So he looked at the code again, and yet it looked fine! Now he decided it’s time to act upon “WTF is going on”, and he did the following experiment, trying to acquire the critsec in a loop (he didn’t really need a loop, but after you’re going insane… so he had to write something that totally looks like “I GOT THE CRIT” – or not). And to his surprise other threads continued to work normally as if there was no lock. As if huh. Soooo, this is going to be embarrassing a bit. And then he found out that the call to the critsec acquire function wasn’t correct. It was missing a dereference to a pointer. A single character, you got it right. To make it clearer, he saw something like Enter-Crit (m_ptr), instead of Enter-Crit(*m_ptr), which is a pointer to a pointer of an ERESOURCE.
So obviously, the the lock wasn’t acquired at all, for some odd reason it aligned well in the logs we analyzed together, until he improved the logs and found a quirk. A question I asked myself, after we knew what was the bug, is that we gave it some garbage pointer, instead of an ERESOURCE, so the function obviously failed all the times we called it. But how come we didn’t think of testing the return value even though we knew the lock didn’t work? I guess it has something to do that nobody ever checks the return value of “acquire” crit-sec, even in MS code… Bad practice? Not sure, what can you do if you want the lock, and can’t get it? It means one thing, that you have a bug, otherwise it should wait on the lock… So it’s the kind of stuff nobody checks anyway, but maybe a line of ASSERT could help. Oh well, next time.

That was it, kinda nasty, it always come down to something stupid at the end, no? :(
Now it leaves me totally with that breakpoint we couldn’t do because the system was too slow with it, and I will write about it next week.
See you then.

Race Condition From Hell, aren’t they all?

Monday, April 19th, 2010

Actually I had a trouble to come up with a good title for this post, at least one that I was satisfied with. Therefore I will start with a background story, as always.
The problem started when I had to debug a huge software which was mostly in Kernel mode. And there was this critical section (critsec from now on) synchronization object that wasn’t held always correctly. And eventually after 20 mins of trying to replicate the bug, we managed to crash the system with a NULL dereference. This variable was a global that everybody who after acquiring the critsec was its owner. Then how come we got a crash ? Simple, someone was touching the global out of it critsec scope. That’s why it was also very hard to replicate, or took very long.

The pseudo code was something like this:
Acquire Crit-Sec
g_ptr = “some structure we use”
do safe task with g_ptr

g_ptr = NULL
Release Crit-Sec

So you see, before the critsec was released the global pointer was NULLed again. Obvisouly this is totally fine, because it’s still in the scope of the acquired crit, so we can access it safely.

Looking at the crash dumps, we saw a very weird thing, but nothing surprising for those race conditions bugs. Also if you ask me, I think I would prefer dead-lock bugs to race conditions, since in dead lock, everything gets stuck and then you can examine which locks are held, and see why some thread (out of the two) is trying to acquire the lock, when it surely can’t… Not saying it’s easier, though.
Anyway, back to the crash dump, we saw that the g_ptr variable was accessed in some internal function after the critsec was acquired. So far so good. Then after a few instructions, in an inner function that referenced the variable again, suddenly it crashed. Traversing back to the point where we know by the disassembly listing of the function, where the g_ptr was touched first, we knew it worked there. Cause otherwise, it would have crashed there and then, before going on, right? I have to mention that between first time reading the variable and the second one where it crashed, we didn’t see any function calls.
This really freaked me out, because the conclusion was one – somebody else is tempering with our g_ptr in a different thread without locking the crit. If there were any function calls, might be that some of them, caused our thread to be in a Waitable state, which means we could accept APCs or other events, and then it could lead to a whole new execution path, that was hidden from the crash dump, which somehow zeroed the g_ptr variable. Also at the time of the crash, it’s important to note that the owner of the critsec was the crashing thread, no leads then to other problematic threads…

Next thing was to see that everybody touches the g_ptr only when the critsec is acquired. We surely know for now that someone is doing something very badly and we need to track the biatch down. Also we know the value that is written to the g_ptr variable is zero, so it limits the number of occurrences of such instruction (expression), which lead to two spots. Looking at both spots, everything looked fine. Of course, it looked fine, otherwise I would have spotted the bug easily, besides, we got a crash, which means, nothing is fine. Also, it’s time to admit, that part of the code was Windows itself, which made the problem a few times harder, because I couldn’t do whatever I wanted with it.

I don’t know how you guys would approach such a problem in order to solve it. But I had three ideas. Sometimes just like printf/OutputDebugPrint is your best friend, print logs when the critsec is acquired and released, who is waiting for it and just every piece of information we can gather about it. Mind you that part of it was Windows kernel itself, so we had to patch those functions too, to see, who’s acquiring the critsec and when. Luckily in debug mode, patchguard is down :) Otherwise, it would be bloody around the kernel. So looking at the log, everything was fine, again, damn. You can stare at the god damned thing for hours and tracking the acquiring and releasing pairs of the critsec, and nothing is wrong. So it means, this is not going to be the savior.

The second idea, was to comment out some code portions with #if 0 surrouding the potential problematic code. And starting to eliminate the possibilities of which function is the cause of this bug. This is not such a great idea. Since a race condition can happen in a few places, finding one of them is not enough usually. Though it can teach you something about the original bug’s characteristics, then you can look at the rest of the code to fix that same thing. It’s really old school technique but sometimes it is of a help as bad as it sounds. So guess what we did? Patched the g_ptr = NULL of the kernel and then everything went smooth, no crashes and nothing. But the problem still was around, now we knew for sure it’s our bug and not MS, duh. And there were only a few places in our code which set this g_ptr. Looking at all of them, again, seemed fine. This is where I started going crazy, seriously.

While you were reading the above ideas, didn’t you come up with the most banal idea, to put a dumb breakpoint – on memory access, on g_ptr with a condition of “who writes zero”. Of course you did, that what you should have done in the first place. I hope you know that. Why we couldn’t do that?
Because the breakpoint was fired tens of thousands times in a single second. Rendering the whole system almost to freeze. Assuming it took us 20 mins to replicate the bug, when we heavily loaded the system. Doing that with such a breakpoint set, would take days or so, no kidding. Which is out of question.

This will lead me to the next post. Stay tuned.

Undocumented Kernel API Again…

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

The function I’m going to talk about is nothing new. The annoying thing is that you can’t find it in the WDK. Sometimes you want to know the name of the calling process (suppose its image name is enough). But it can’t be used for security, because you can create a ‘logon.exe’ and run it from the desktop directory, and it will be seen as ‘logon.exe’. Therefore it’s mostly useful for debugging or something.

So once you get a PEPROCESS and you wish to get its image name, you can call PsGetProcessImageFileName. We all know those hacks that scan the current PEPROCESS for ‘system’ when the DriverEntry is being called and store the <i>offset</i> for later use. But it’s not really needed anymore.

extern "C" {

extern char* PsGetProcessImageFileName(PRPROCESS p);



DbgPrint("Calling process name is: %s\n", PsGetProcessImageFileName(PsGetCurrentProcess()));

Retrieving the full path name of a process from kernel can be a b1tch. And I don’t know a good way to do it. Though I think the best way would be to get the ControlArea of the mapped image of that process, but IIRC it needs a KeAttachProcess which sucks… There are many forums which talk about it anyway…

Trying to Pwn Stuff my way

Saturday, January 30th, 2010

I have been playing CS since 2001 :) Kinda addicted I can say. Like, after I had been in South America for half a year, suddenly I caught myself thinking “ohhh I wish I could play CS”… So I think it means I’m addicted. Anyway I really like that game. A few days ago I was playing on some server and suddenly hl2 crashed. How good is that they generate a crash dump automatically, so I fired up WinDbg and took a look what happened, I found out that some pointer was set to 1, not NULL, mind you. Looking around the crash area I found a buffer overflow on the stack, but only for booleans, so I don’t know what was the point and how it was triggered or who sent it (server or another player). Anyway, since I like this game so much, there is only one thing I don’t like it, the stupid children you play with/against, they curse and TK (team-kill) like noobs. One day I promised to myself that I will pwn those little bastards. Therefore I started to investigate this area of crash, which I won’t say anything about the technical details here, so you won’t be able to replicate it, except that I found a stack buffer overflow. The way from there to pwn the clients who connect to a server I set up is really easy. The down side is that they have to connect to a server I control, which is quite lame, the point is to pwn other players on a remote server, so I still work on that. For me pwning would be to find a way to kick them from the server for instance, I don’t need to execute code on their machines. Besides since I do everything for fun, and I’m not a criminal, I have to mention that it’s for eductional purposes only :) Being the good guy I am, in ZERT and stuff. I just wanted to add that the protocol used to be really hole-y before CS: Source came out, everything was vulnerable, really, you could tell the server that you wanted to upload a file to it (your spray-decal file) with a name longer than 256 characters, and bam, you own the server through a stupid strcpy to a buffer on the stack. But after CSS came out, the guys did a great job and I could hardly find stuff. What I found is in some isoteric parser that the input comes from the server… What was weird is that some functions were protected with a security cookie and some weren’t. I don’t know what configuration those guys use to compile the game, but they surely need to work it out better.

Another thing I’ve been trying to pwn for a long time now, without much success, I have to say, is NTVDM. This piece of software is huge, though most of it is mostly in user-mode, there are lots of related code in kernel. Recently a very crazy bug was found there (which can lead to a privilege escalation), something in the design, of how the kernel transfers control to BIOS code and returns. You can read more here to get a better clue. So it gave me some idea what to do about some potential buggy code I found. Suppose I found a code in the kernel that takes DS:SI and changes it to a flat pointer, the calculation is (DS << 4) + SI. The thing is that DS is 16 bits only. The thing I thought is that with some wizardy I will be able to change DS to have some value above 0xffff. For some of you it might sound impossible, but in 32 bits and playing with pop ds, mov ds, ax and the like, I managed to put random values in the high 16 bits of DS (say it’s a 32 bit segment register). Though I don’t know if WinDbg showed me garbage or how it really worked, or what happened there, I surely saw big values in DS. So since I couldn’t reproduce this behavior in 16 bits under NTVDM, I tried to think of a way to set DS in the VDM Context itself. If you look at the exports of NTVDM you will see a function named “SetDS”, so taking a look of how it works I tried to use it inside my 16 bits code (exploiting some Escape bug I found myself and posted on this blog earlier), I could set DS to whatever arbitary value I wanted. Mind you, I set DS for the VM itself, not the DS of the usermode application of ntvdm.exe. And then I tried to trigger the other part in the kernel which takes my raw pointer and tries to write to it, but DS high 16 bits were zeros. Damn it. Then I gave to it more thought, and understood that what I did is not good enough. This is because once I set DS to some value, then I get to code to execute on the processor for real and then it enters kernel’s trap handler, DS high half gets truncated once again and I lost in the game. So I’m still thinking if it’s spossible. Maybe next step I should try is to invoke the kernel’s trap handler directly with DS set to whatever value I want, but that’s probably not possible since I can’t control the trap frame myself… or maybe I can ;)