Delegators #3 – The ATL Way

The Active-Template Library (or ATL) is very useful. I think that if you code in C++ under Windows it’s even a must. It will solve your great many hours of work. Although I have personally found a few bugs in this library, the code is very tight and does the work well. In this post I’m going to focus on the CWindow class, although there are many other classes which do the delegations seamlessly for the user, such as: CAxDialogImpl, CAxWindow, etc. CWindow is the main one and so we will examine it.

I said in an earlier post that ATL uses thunks to call the instance’s window-procedure. A thunk is a mechanism to convert a function invocation between callee and caller. Look it up in Wiki for more info… To be honest, I was somewhat surprised to see that the mighty ATL uses Assembly to implement the thunks. As I was suggesting a few ways myself to avoid Assembly, I don’t see a really good reason to use Assembly here. You can say that the the ways I suggested are less safe, but if a window is choosing to be malicious you can make everything screwed anyway, so I don’t think it’s for this reason they used Assembly. Another reason I can think of is because their way, they don’t have to look-up for the instance’s ‘this’ pointer, they just have it, wheareas you will have to call GetProp or GetWindowLong. But come on… so if you got any idea let me know. I seriously have no problem with Assembly, but as most people thought that delegations must be implemented in Assembly, I showed you that’s not true. The reason it’s really surprised me is that the Assembly code is not portable among processors as you know; and ATL is very popular and used library. So if you take a look at ATL’s thunks code, you will see that they support x86 (obviously), AMD64, MIPS, ARM and more. And I ask, why the heck?when you can avoid it all? Again, for speed? Not sure it’s really worth it. The ATL guys know what they do, I doubt they didn’t know they could have done it without Assembly.

Anyhow, let’s get dirty, it’s all about their _stdcallthunk struct in the file atlstdthunk.h. The struct has a few members, that their layout in memory will be the same as it was in the file, that’s the key here. There is an Init function which constructs the members. These members are the byte code of the thunk itself, that’s why their layout in memory is important, because they are get to ran later by the processor. The Init function gets the ‘this’ pointer and the window procedure pointer. And then it will initialize the members to form the following code:

mov dword ptr [esp+4], this
jmp WndProc

Note that ‘this’ and ‘WndProc’ are member values that their values will be determined in construction-time. They must be known in advance, prior to creation of the thunk. Seeing [esp+4] we know they override the first argument of the instance’s window-procedure which is hWnd. They could have pushed another argument for the ‘this’ pointer, but why should they do it if they can recover the hWnd from the ‘this’ pointer anyway…? And save a stack-access? :)

Since the jmp instruction is relative in its behaviour, that is, the offset to the target address is not absolute but rather relative to the address of the jmp instruction itself, upon initialization the offset is calculated as well, like this:

DWORD((INT_PTR)proc – ((INT_PTR)this+sizeof(_stdcallthunk)));

Note that the ‘this’ here is the address of the thunk itself in memory (already allocated).
Now that we know how the thunk really looks and what it does, let’s see how it’s all get connected, from the global window procedure to the instance’s one. This is some pseudo code I came up with (and does not really reflect the ATL code, I only wanna give you the idea of it):


WndProcThunk = AllocThunk((DWORD)this.WndProc, (DWORD)this);
m_hWnd = CreateWindow (…);
SetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, WndProcThunk);

This is not all yet, although in reality it’s a bit more complicated in the way they bind the HWND with its thunk…Now when the window will be sent a message, the stack will contain the HWND, MESSAGE, WPARAM and LPARAM arguments for the original window procedure, but then the thunk will change the HWND to THIS and immediately transfer control to the global window procedure, but this time they got the context of the instance!

CWindow::WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
 CWindowImplBaseT< TBase, TWinTraits >* pThis = (CWindowImplBaseT< TBase, TWinTraits >*)hWnd;
 pThis->ProcessWindowMessage(pThis->m_hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam, lRes, 0);

And there we go. Notice the cast from hWnd to the ‘this’ pointer and the call with the context of the instance, at last, mission accomplished ;)

More information can be found here.

 A new problem now arises, I will mention it in the next post in this chain, but in a couple of words, here’s a hint: NX bit.

One Response to “Delegators #3 – The ATL Way”

  1. […] information about the ATLThunk can be found here Note: This method is relevant to Windows 7 as mentioned here, and is supposed to be changed in a […]

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