If you like our web site and want to link to it, please use this image! Thanks. |  |
Algorithms and Data Structures
Algorithms and Data Structures |
Various algorithms and data structures clearly explained and briefly analyzed by Lloyd Allison of Monash University, Australia.
| Data Structures and Algorithhms (Hebrew) |
A fairly comprehensive website about data structures and algorithms explained and illustrated by pictures/movies/source codes. As stated earlier - in Hebrew. | Artificial Intelligence
AI-Depot |
Artificial Intelligence related essays, tutorials and news. For the beginner as well as the expert in the field. | Assembly (x86) C++ Collision Detection
3D Object Intersection |
A table with geometric objects on the sides and references to collision detection routines between them in the interior cells. | Compression DOS Programming
Programming MS-DOS with Power |
"This web site is devoted to DOS programming for those of us who still enjoy programming in DOS. Don't get me wrong, I do program in Windows also. In fact, I use VC++, but when it comes to having fun, I still turn to DOS programming...." | Game Programming
Alexei A. Frounze's Homepage |
Mainly documentation and a big list of links: 2d/3d Graphics, hardware programming, programming tools, DSP, PMode, OS and other links are waiting for you to visit... | YOV 408 Technologies |
Lots of categorized links/source codes/articles dealing with game programming and other subjects. Very useful. | Game Programming Communities
Xenonaut |
Xenonaut was founded in order to give other amateur gamedevelopers a portal where they publish their games and projects,
present their team and attract vistors to their websites.
It also contains a database for tutorials and links. | Graphics
Ray-Casting Tutorial by F. Permadi |
Nice ray-casting tutorial. Includes the fundamental theory behind grid-based ray-casting with textures, floor and ceiling and some cool 3D tricks and effects. | Graphics API's
FireStorm |
Besides its cool name :) you will find there tutorials and case studies regarding 3D engines and programming. And a neat gallery... | AngelCode |
This site was one of the first to deal with DirectX valuable contents. it contains tutorials, projects, links and a few other worthy stuff. | Low Level Optimizations Mathematics
IEEE-754 References |
As the title says: you will find a few references regarding IEEE 754 format, and a really decent (JS) script which converts numbers floating numbers to and fro decimal. | IRA: Interactive Real Analysis |
A great online textbook replacement for Advanced Calculus in one real variable. Check this out even if you're not currently intersted in learning this subject! | PlanetMath |
PlanetMath is an online math encyclopedia, edited by a wide community. Contains theorems, proofs, discussion forums and links. | Eric Weissteins's World of Mathematics |
A huge hierarchical collection of mathematical definitions, theorems and history. | MathPages |
Variois articles on miscellaneous mathematical topics. | EWD Archive |
A collection of manuscripts by the noted computer scientist, Edsger W. Dijkstra. | Miscellaneous Operating System Development Personal Homepages
Steven Don's web site |
Steven Don is a very good friend of us. But the real reasons we placed his site in here are, because you can find in there some really valuable source codes in DOS/Win32/OGL/Video Editing and etc... Many interesting tutorials and some nice games as well. | Don Knuth's Home Page |
Home page of Prof. Donald Ervin Knuth, inventor of TeX and author of "The Art of Computer Programming". | Bjarne Stroustup's Home Page |
Designer of the C++ programming language and author of books on the subject. | Physics Security Related
Mnin |
Most of the website is about security chit-chat, technical suspense, or forensic horror stories. If you're into security, I'm sure you will find something interesting. | Phrack |
...a Hacker magazine by the community, for the community.... | TTY64 |
Tiny personal page with source codes, links and some projects regarding software security. | Windows Programming
Sysinternals |
Pretty famous around Windows coders. You will find there really useful applications, source codes, documents and of course undocumented Windows stuff. | Windows IT Library |
Covers many topcis about Windows, worth a look, you might find there interesting stuff for Windows and other decent applications... | EliCZ's Resources |
Small website with interesting source codes regarding Windows' internals (Hooking, Ring 0, PE and etc...) | Catch22 |
Catch22 is a small site aimed to help developers, you will find useful code snippets and tutorials. In addition it contains a few full source codes of interesting applications. | Beyond Logic |
Information and programming regarding hardware devices and other stuff surrounding Windows (IE: Embedded, etc.) | [Mad Wizard] |
Comprehensive Winsock networking tutorial, huge list of Windows snippets (most of them in Asm) and a worthy download section with his own programs. | Internals |
This site contains REALLY useful articles about hooking EVERYTHING under Windows and some other articles and applications. | Win32, C++, VC++ resources - CoderSource |
Win32, C++, MFC articles using VC++ compiler and other associated Windows based C++ compilers with sufficient sample programs are provided in this site. |