Yo yo yo… forgot to say happy xmas last time, never too late, ah? :)
This time I wanted to update you about diStorm3 once again. Yesterday I had a good coding session and I added some of the new features regarding flow control. The decode function gets a new parameter called ‘features’. Which is a bit field flag that lets you ask the disassembler to do some new stuff such as:
- Stop on INT instructions [INT, INT1, INT3, INTO]
- Stop on CALL instructions [CALL, CALL FAR]
- Stop on RET instructions [RET, RETF, IRET]
- Stop on JMP instructions [JMP, JMP FAR]
- Stop on any conditional branch instructions [JXXX, JXCX, LOOPXX]
- Stop on any flow control (all of the above)
I wasn’t sure about SYSCALL and the like and UD2, for now I left them out. So what we got now is the ability to instruct the disassembler to stop decoding after it encounters one of the above conditions. This makes the higer disassembler layer more efficient, because now you can disassemble code by basic blocks. Also building a call-graph or branches-graph faster.
Note that now you will be able to ask the disassembler to return a single instruction. I know it sounds stupid, but I talked about it already, and I had some reasons to avoid this behavior. Anyway, now you’re free to ask how many instructions you want, as long as the disassembler can read them from the stream you supply.
Another feature added is the ability to filter non-flow-control instructions. Suppose you are interested in building a call-graph only, there’s no reason that you will get all the data-control instructions, because they are probably useless for the case. Mixing this flag with ‘Stop on RET’ and ‘Stop on CALL’, you can do nice stuff.
Another thing is that I separated the memory-indirection description of an operand into two forms. First of all, memory indirection operand is when an instruction reads/writes from/to memory. Usually in Assembly text, you will see the brackets characters surrounding some expressions. Something like: MOV [EDX], EAX. Means we write a DWORD to EDX pointer. If you followed me ’till here, you should know exactly what I’m talking about anyway.
When you get the result of such instruction from diStorm3, the type of the operand will be SMEM (stands for simple-memory), which hints there’s only one register in the memory-indirection operand. Although it doesn’t hint anything about the displacement, that’s that offset you usually see in the brackets. Like MOV [EDX+0x12345678], EAX. So you will have to test if the displacement exists in both forms. The other form is MEM (Normal memory indirection, or probably should be called ‘complex’) since it supports the full memory indirection operand, like: MOV [EAX*4 + ESI + 0x12345678], EAX. Then you will have to read another register that supplies the base register, in addition to the index register and scale. Note that this applies for 16 bits mode addressing as well, when you can have a mix of [‘BX+SI]’ or only ‘[BX]’. Also note that sometimes in 32/64 bits mode, you can have a SIB byte, that sets only the base register and the index register is unused, but diStorm3 will return it as an SMEM, to simplify matters. This way it’s really easy to read the instruction’s parameters.
Another feature for text formatting is the ability to tell the disassembler to limit the address to 16 or 32 bits. This is good since the offsets are 64 bits today. And if you encounter an instruction that jumps backwards, you will get a huge negative value, which won’t make much sense if you disassemble 16 bits code…
diStorm3 still supplies the bad old interface. And now it supports two new additional functions. The decompose function, which returns the structures for each instruction read. And another function that formats a given structure into text, which is pretty straight forward. The text format is not an accurate behavior of diStorm64, it’s more simplified, but good enough. Besides I have never heard any special comments about the formatting of diStorm64, so I guess it doesn’t matter much to you guys. And maybe maybe I will add AT&T syntax later on.
Another field that is returned now, unlike diStorm64, is the instruction-set-class type of the instruction, with very broad categories, like Integer instructions, FPU instructions, SSE instructions, and so on. Still might be handy. And the hint about the flow-control type of the instruction.
Also I changed tons of code, and I really mean it, the skeleton is still the same, but the prefixes engine works totally different now. Trying to imitate a real processor this time. By including the last prefix found of that prefix-type. You can read more about this, here. I made the code way more optimized and eliminated double code and it’s still readable, if not for the better. Also I changed the way instruction are fetched, so the locate-instruction function is much smaller and better.
I’m pertty satisfied with the new version of diStorm and hopefully I will be able to share it with you guys soon. Still I got tons of tests to do, maybe I will add that unit-test module in Python to the proejct so you can enjoy it too, not sure yet.
Also I got a word from Mario Vilas, that he is going to help with compiling diStorm for different platforms, and I’m going to integrate his new Python wrappers that use ctypes, so you don’t need the Python extension anymore. Thanks Mario! ;) However, diStorm3 has its own Python module for the new structure output.
If you have more ideas, comments, complaints or you just hate me, this is the time to say so.
Cheers, happy new year soon!
[…] [Update – diStorm3 News] […]
Hi Gil,
Good job on diStorm3. The new interface features sound great. It is possible to find all jump targets with a few lines of code. I do think that you should halt on system calls because they do break the basic flow of the program.
It would be helpful if you provide a utility which is much like ‘objdump’ which uses distorm. This will give people reference code for using diStorm.
Hey Nadav,
what’s up pal?
That’s a great idea, I will do that one day after I will upload diStorm3 already. Also I will add syscall/ud2 then.