Code Crunching
Huffman Decoder |
Tiny program which extracts Huffman data block and prints it. | CodeGuru |
Prints "CodeGuru" on the text screen in big font. Heavily documented! | Clock |
Counts down 5 minutes in big font. Based on the "CodeGuru" program. Heavily documented! | DOS Assembly
Hooking Int 0x21 |
A small (TSR) program which hooks DOS interrupt 0x21. | BreakPoint Interrupt |
This source shows how to use the BreakPoint interrupt for only one point, it runs code and then shows a message on the screen when the breaked point was reached... | Single Step Interrupt |
This is a small demonstration of how to use the Single Step interrupt, it runs a small dummy procedure and prints the IP and AX registers... | V22 Infector |
This is a simple memory resident .COM file infector. | Set Inerrupt |
Set your own interrupt directly in the IVT. | DOS Graphics
Mode13h Unchained 4 |
An example of how to use mode13h with the whole 256kb of the video card with hardware page flipping using TC3. | DOS Stuff
Calling Win32 from DOS, BOP (VDD) |
This samples contain two files, the DOS side (asm) and the Win32 side (DLL). It's a proof of concept to call userland DLL functions (with params!) via DOS BOPs mechanism. It's neat. | Reading FAT12 |
This source code shows how to read FAT12 drives using TC3. | Windows Clipboard |
Access Windows' clipboard for read|write using DJGPP. | PIC Programming |
Shows how to program the master PIC and change the base vecotr interrupt using TC3. | COM Port |
A serial COM port unit, interrupt driven|polled method using TC3. | PS2 Mouse Driver |
Shows the basic interaction with a PS2 mouse(with extended wheel/buttons!) using TC3. | Internet & Networks
Select for Accepting Connections |
Shows how to use select for accepting new connections. So you have two threads: GUI and the listening thread. Also shows how to terminate the listening thread in a nice and clean way when the GUI thread is over. | base64dec |
Decodes a base64 sequence | HTTP Module |
A simple module implementing the HTTP/1.1 client. Shows how to send GET/POST requests, and parse incoming responses (by content-length/chunked-mode/connection). | base64enc |
base64 is a simple base64 encoding routine. Note that it produces standard output (meaning it complements the total output size to a number divisible by 4 by adding extra '='s). | ICMP Twister |
ICMP Twister uses ICMP Info Request packets to make a simple ICMP-based chat. The program was written for Linux, and requires root privileges to run, as it uses raw sockets. | Miscellaneous
NameIt WinAmp Plugin |
This is a _really_ simple plugin for WinAmp which draws the name of the current played song on screen/Direct X. | Collision Detection (JApplet) |
The source code of the collision detection interactive applet in the corresponding tutorial. | 3DS format parser |
3DS format parser written in ANSI C. It can read animation data (!) and can read chunks which I haven't seen documented anywhere else. Written with high modularity in mind - everything is customizable. Print-out sample routines included. | Embedded PyShell |
Opens PyShell as your interactive Python window. This saves you much work instead of messing with Python code by your own. Thanks to Sagiv Malihi for the idea and help! | 2D ColDet Rotated Rectangles |
This code checks whether 2 rotated rectangles (2D OBBs) intersect quickly and efficiently, including all cases of intersection, even the dreaded CROSS collision! | Embedded Python Console |
Shows how to use the Python C API in a Win32 API project using VS7. This sample is for the "Embedded Python" tutorial, very impressive! | Win32API
Walk On Loaded-Modules (PEB) |
A very simple POC which shows how to walk on the loaded modules list without depending on Win32API. It gets a few pointers from PEB and walks on the list printing the modules names. | Basic Kernel Driver |
This is a really basic kernel driver written for educational purposes and to see how simple it ends up to be. I thought it might help some people out there. | Self Deleting Executable |
This is a proof of concept to delete your own .exe file, it is supposed to run under all Windows versions. | SB Output Mode Switcher |
This is a small complete program I wrote, so it would be really easy to switch the SoundBlaster output mode from digital to analog and vice versa by one click on the sys-tray icon or by pressing a hotkey. Written under VS7. | Mailslot |
This is a really simple sample of how to use mail slot communications between two processes, Server and client demonstration. | Wave Format Player |
This is a small example of how to read a .wav file and use the waveOut API to play it. |