Actually I had a trouble to come up with a good title for this post, at least one that I was satisfied with. Therefore I will start with a background story, as always.
The problem started when I had to debug a huge software which was mostly in Kernel mode. And there was this critical section (critsec from now on) synchronization object that wasn’t held always correctly. And eventually after 20 mins of trying to replicate the bug, we managed to crash the system with a NULL dereference. This variable was a global that everybody who after acquiring the critsec was its owner. Then how come we got a crash ? Simple, someone was touching the global out of it critsec scope. That’s why it was also very hard to replicate, or took very long.
The pseudo code was something like this:
Acquire Crit-Sec
g_ptr = “some structure we use”
do safe task with g_ptr
g_ptr = NULL
Release Crit-Sec
So you see, before the critsec was released the global pointer was NULLed again. Obvisouly this is totally fine, because it’s still in the scope of the acquired crit, so we can access it safely.
Looking at the crash dumps, we saw a very weird thing, but nothing surprising for those race conditions bugs. Also if you ask me, I think I would prefer dead-lock bugs to race conditions, since in dead lock, everything gets stuck and then you can examine which locks are held, and see why some thread (out of the two) is trying to acquire the lock, when it surely can’t… Not saying it’s easier, though.
Anyway, back to the crash dump, we saw that the g_ptr variable was accessed in some internal function after the critsec was acquired. So far so good. Then after a few instructions, in an inner function that referenced the variable again, suddenly it crashed. Traversing back to the point where we know by the disassembly listing of the function, where the g_ptr was touched first, we knew it worked there. Cause otherwise, it would have crashed there and then, before going on, right? I have to mention that between first time reading the variable and the second one where it crashed, we didn’t see any function calls.
This really freaked me out, because the conclusion was one – somebody else is tempering with our g_ptr in a different thread without locking the crit. If there were any function calls, might be that some of them, caused our thread to be in a Waitable state, which means we could accept APCs or other events, and then it could lead to a whole new execution path, that was hidden from the crash dump, which somehow zeroed the g_ptr variable. Also at the time of the crash, it’s important to note that the owner of the critsec was the crashing thread, no leads then to other problematic threads…
Next thing was to see that everybody touches the g_ptr only when the critsec is acquired. We surely know for now that someone is doing something very badly and we need to track the biatch down. Also we know the value that is written to the g_ptr variable is zero, so it limits the number of occurrences of such instruction (expression), which lead to two spots. Looking at both spots, everything looked fine. Of course, it looked fine, otherwise I would have spotted the bug easily, besides, we got a crash, which means, nothing is fine. Also, it’s time to admit, that part of the code was Windows itself, which made the problem a few times harder, because I couldn’t do whatever I wanted with it.
I don’t know how you guys would approach such a problem in order to solve it. But I had three ideas. Sometimes just like printf/OutputDebugPrint is your best friend, print logs when the critsec is acquired and released, who is waiting for it and just every piece of information we can gather about it. Mind you that part of it was Windows kernel itself, so we had to patch those functions too, to see, who’s acquiring the critsec and when. Luckily in debug mode, patchguard is down :) Otherwise, it would be bloody around the kernel. So looking at the log, everything was fine, again, damn. You can stare at the god damned thing for hours and tracking the acquiring and releasing pairs of the critsec, and nothing is wrong. So it means, this is not going to be the savior.
The second idea, was to comment out some code portions with #if 0 surrouding the potential problematic code. And starting to eliminate the possibilities of which function is the cause of this bug. This is not such a great idea. Since a race condition can happen in a few places, finding one of them is not enough usually. Though it can teach you something about the original bug’s characteristics, then you can look at the rest of the code to fix that same thing. It’s really old school technique but sometimes it is of a help as bad as it sounds. So guess what we did? Patched the g_ptr = NULL of the kernel and then everything went smooth, no crashes and nothing. But the problem still was around, now we knew for sure it’s our bug and not MS, duh. And there were only a few places in our code which set this g_ptr. Looking at all of them, again, seemed fine. This is where I started going crazy, seriously.
While you were reading the above ideas, didn’t you come up with the most banal idea, to put a dumb breakpoint – on memory access, on g_ptr with a condition of “who writes zero”. Of course you did, that what you should have done in the first place. I hope you know that. Why we couldn’t do that?
Because the breakpoint was fired tens of thousands times in a single second. Rendering the whole system almost to freeze. Assuming it took us 20 mins to replicate the bug, when we heavily loaded the system. Doing that with such a breakpoint set, would take days or so, no kidding. Which is out of question.
This will lead me to the next post. Stay tuned.